Korea Award

Web Master's Art work and graphic design and photos. Extensive resource for information on the country of South Korea, as well as a resident award program.

10.02.2003 Experte

100 Punkte

Die Frau hinter der Maske

Posie in Wort Bild und Musik, American Fashiondolls, Foto-Design, Galerien Poser & Bryce

11.02.2003 Experte

98 Punkte


My site is a about the noble arts of the billiardsports, with a brief description of the history an different games and rules.

05.03.2003 Experte

100 Punkte

American Awards

The American Awards are awarded to Webmasters that have demonstrated a high standard in web design, content and graphics. The goal of this award program is to honor those sites that provide a safe and enriching experience to it's visitors.

09.03.2003 Experte

95 Punkte

Diska's Photos

My best photos for your desktop wallpaper to download for free. I remember you that in Diska's Photos: you can choose among 282 original wallpapers photos. you can choose the music to listen, while visiting the site, among 25 more proposed. you can choose your language among english, italian and spanish. you can use an internal searching engine to find quickly your wallpaper. 

26.04.2003 Experte

93 Punkte

Machen Family Website

Home of the Machen Family on the Internet.

13.09.2003 Experte

90 Punkte

biff's TMBG stuff

My site is all about They Might Be Giants. I have midi jukeboxes, concert photos, an active message board, & much more. Thank you for your consideration. luv, biff

14.09.2003 Experte

99 Punkte

Clear Skies

A website about astrophotography

25.09.2003 Experte

92 Punkte

BigEye Siteport!

BigEye Siteport! is a small portal of information about Portugal, my city, my work, reference guides to the internet, a fun and games section and much, much more! It is also home of BigEye Award Program!

28.09.2003 Experte

92 Punkte

Zitate-Datenbank: Zitate - Aphorismen - Weisheiten - Sprüche - Geburtstage bekannter Persönlichkeiten...

umfangreiche Zitate-Datenbank mit detaillierten Infos zu den Autoren und verschiedenen Such-Funktionen.

12.10.2003 Experte

95 Punkte


